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    Pre Intermediate [18]

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    Test 5



    1. Fill in if  or unless.

    1. You will catch a cold ______ you wear a warm coat today.
    2. _______ it's nice and warm, we will go for a picnic.
    3. _______ she works harder, she won't pass the exams.
    4. I will invite John to the party ______ I see him.
    5. I'm not going to speak to her _______ she says she is sorry.


    2. Complete the sentences using Type 0 or Type 1 conditionals.

    1. If you haven’t got enough money, ...
    2. If you see Carla, ...
    3. We’ll miss the plane ...
    4. Ice melts ...
    5. If the weather is good, ...


    3. Match the items in column A with those in column B to make sentences, as in the example.



    1. If I were you,

    2. If Neil didn’t have to work tonight,

    3. If you left right away,

    4. If Emma didn’t live so far away,

    5. If I had more free time,

    6. If they had more money,



    a) he would come with us.

    b) I could learn a foreign language.

    c) we could visit her more often.

    d) they would find a bigger flat.

    e) I would apply for that job.

    f) you might still catch the train.





    1-e If I were you, I would apply for that job.



    4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

    1. If we had enough money, we ______ (go) to the cinema.
    2. If I had known it was your birthday, I _________(buy) you a present.
    3. If I were you, I ________ (write) a letter of complaint to the company.
    4. If I hadn’t got stuck in traffic, I ________(not/miss) the train.
    5. If we had been invited to the wedding, we _________ (go).
    6. If you didn’t have to work on Saturdays, we __________ (visit) your parents more often.
    7. If I were an architect, I ________ (design) my own house.
    8. If you had studied harder, you __________ (not/fail) your exams.
    9. If you had told him the truth, he __________ (forgive) you.
    10. If we had a garden, we __________ (grow) our own vegetables.


    5. Complete these sentences to make appropriate Third Conditional or Mixed Conditional sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


    1. If I ………….. (visit) Athens last year, I………..(phone) you.
    2. If only I …………(know) you already had tickets, I…………(not get) any of you.
    3. If you ……………(start) coming to the course earlier, you ………(could pass) the exam.
    4. If I……….(not be) so shy at the party last Saturday, I ………(might make) more friends.
    5. If you ……………(not spend) so much money, I ……….(not be) angry now.
    6. I …………(could become) an accountant if I …………(be) good at maths.
    7. She ………….(get) promoted last year if she ………..(not argue) with the boss.
    8. He …………..(not get) the job, if he ……….(not wear) a tie.
    9. If I ………….(meet) you before, my life ………..(be) different.
    10. If he …………(not  see) the other car, there ………(be) a serious accident.


    6. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Some sentences require a negative.


    1. Bruce wishes he …………(have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.
    2. I wish it …………..(snow) now that it’s Christmas.
    3. I wish I ………..(be) taller so that  I could be in the basketball team.
    4. I wish you ………..(stop) watching television while I am talking to you.
    5. I wish you ………..(do) that. It annoys me.
    6. I wish the holidays ………….(come) so we could go off to the seaside.
    7. I wish they………(build) that block of flats right in front of our window.
    8. Of course Tom wishes he ………..(come) with us Paris, but he has to stay here and work.
    9. I wish we ………(go) to the match on Saturday but we’re visiting my uncle instead.
    10. I wish you ………..(keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows everything.


    7. Read the text. Make the literary translation of the text in writing.


    Computers concern you


         When Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812 he could hardly have imagined the situation we find ourselves in today. Nearly everything we do in the modern world is helped, or even controlled, by computers, the complicated descendants of his simple machine. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today, for the simple reason that they are far more efficient than human beings. They have much better memories and can store huge amounts of information, and they can do calculations in a fraction of the time taken by a human mathematician.

         No man live can do 500,000 sums in one second, but an advanced computer can. In fact, computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better. They can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, control machines in factories, work out tomorrow’s weather, and even play chess, write poetry, or compose music. Let’s look now at some of the ways in which computers concern people in their daily lives and work.

        Chief Inspector Harston talks about ways in which computers can help the

    police fight crime. "Members of the public often think of detective work as fast and exciting when most of it is slow and boring. For example, a detective on a stolen car case may have to check through long list of information, and in the time it takes him to do this the thief may well escape. With the new National Police Computer we are now able to find out details of car ownership and driving license in a fraction of the time it takes by traditional methods. We are also developing systems of storing fingerprint information in computers and even information about people’s appearance. It’s possible to work out codes for visual details and to link a computer with a videotape recorder (VTR). Then, instead of looking through books of photographs we’ll be able to ask the computer to sort out the right ones, and see photographs of suspects flashed across a VTR screen. In police work speed is often essential, so computers are ideal for helping us catch criminals. The only problem is that we now have a new kind of criminal – the very clever man who knows how to make huge sums of money by cheating a computer, and he is very difficult indeed to catch”.


    8.  Make up questions to each paragraph of the text.


    9. Give the Russian equivalents for the following from the text: the first calculating machine; efficient; memory; can store information; do calculations; in a fraction of the time; do sums; an advanced computer; compose music; by cheating a computer; pay wages; fingerprints; screen.


    10. Read the following extract. Choose the right word from the list below.


    In E-mail messages are sent from 1___ computer to another. Many companies have computerized their accounting procedures because 2___ can do the work more quickly and more 3___ than people. The work the computer does – storing information, finding the right 4___ and doing calculations – is called DATA PROCESSING. The part of the computer that processes the data (information) is called the CPU (central 5___ units).

    This contains only electronic 6___, called microchips. A computer can only do what it is instructed to do. The 7___ that are stored in a computer are called the computer program. The 8___ who write these instructions and put them in the computer are called computer programmers. You do not have to be a computer 9___ to use a computer.


                          Information, people, one, processing, accurately,

                          programmer, computer, instructions, components
    Категория: Pre Intermediate | Добавил: Admin (21.07.2011)
    Просмотров: 14569 | Рейтинг: 4.6/7 |
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