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    Supplementary Reading Chapter 1 Drills
    Chapter 1. Are you hungry for love?

    Fill in the following phrases with prepositions:
    1. She continued to turn heads…36 – and looked as …she would …some years to come.
    2. His blond hair and blue eyes often softened the hearts of shoppers who had initially stared …him …disapproval. 
    3. Desperate women queued … …the screen …Lynn’s TV.
    4. She knew it was time …bath him 
    5. Lynn sat rooted …the screen - and glanced again …the text message. 
    6. her puzzled thoughts were interrupted …the sound …Steve’s key …the door.

    Fill in the articles where necessary:

    1. I got this …strange message a few …minutes ago.
    2. His lack of opportunity to play …five-a-side …football remained …constant irk and …explanation for …paunch now protruding above ..belt.
    3. It’s simply at …back of her …mind as she negotiates her way through another …busy day.
    4. Probably, …new way of marketing TV. 
    5. Steve’s already joked that … new diets were being created during …night. Only to emerge at daybreak in …morning and give Lynn …magic answer to … all her worries.

    Transform these phrases using the words and expressions you’ve learnt from the text:

    1.With dark hair, wavy, shoulder-length and beautiful hazel eyes she attracted a lot of attention at 36 – and looked as if she would for some years to come. 2. Nicky now didn’t show any interest in his PlayStation and demanded for Lynn’s attention. 3.It’s a jam here on the motorway, I’ll be later. 4.How’s turning me on? – thought Lynn. 5.Lynn’ mobile sounded in her bag. 6.Hi, sweet! – Steve kissed Lynn on the cheek. 7.More worry lines on his forehead suggested that he had more troubles now than he used to. 8.Sometimes it takes the main place in her attention to the degree as being a strong and depressing fix. 9.Will I have time to go to the gym tomorrow? 10. She often decides not to have lunch. 11. These are just numerous worries in Lynn’s thoughts that take away her strength and taking away the pleasure out of her life. 12.Lynn eats crisps and biscuits when she feels tired and depressed. 13. Modern magazines advertising the crazy world of diets. 14. It is just her try to fulfill the empty space within. 15. Steve’s absence of any attention only confirmed her feelings.

    Translate the following phrases using the expressions that you’ve learnt:

    1. Она стояла у окна и разговаривала по телефону. Непроизвольная морщинка пересекла ее лоб: что-то ее беспокоило. Иногда для нее все это становится «слишком». 
    2. Его голубые глаза и светлые волосы часто смягчали сердца покупателей, которые сначала было смотрели на него с неодобрением, застав одну из его очередных истерик в супермаркете.
    3. В очередной серии Эмердель заканчивался роман героев.
    4. Участницы сериала Отчаянные женщины толпились на экране телевизора, провозглашая растущее недовольство своими фигурами.
    5. Двадцатилетняя Карина размышляла о возможности имплантантов, чтобы увеличить себе грудь.
    6. Вокруг его глаз всегда были морщинки от улыбок, выдававшие его настоящий характер. Именно эта легкость характера так привлекла ее в нем десять лет назад.

    Категория: ENGLISH WORKSHEETS | Добавил: Gamer (22.03.2010)
    Просмотров: 4560 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1 |
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