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    Intermediate [21]

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    A male engineer  (1) … (to travel) on a cruise ship in the Caribbean for the first time. It was wonderful. He (2) …(to wait) on hand and foot. But, it did not last. A Hurricane (3)  … (to come) up unexpectedly. The ship went down almost instantly.

    The man found himself, he knew not how, (4) …(sweep)  up on the shore of an island. There was nothing else anywhere to be seen. No person, no supplies, nothing. The man looked around. There were some bananas and coconuts, but that was it. He was desperate, and forlorn, but  (5) …  (to decide) to make the best of it. So for the next four months he ate bananas, drank coconut juice and mostly looked to the sea mightily for a ship to come to his rescue.

    One day, as he (6)… (to lie) on the beach stroking his beard and looking for a ship, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. Could it be true, was it a ship? No, from around the corner of the island (7) …(to come) this row-boat. In it was the most gorgeous woman he ever (8) … (to see) , or at least seen in 4 months. She was tall, tanned, and her blond hair flowing in the sea breeze (9) … (give)  her an almost ethereal quality. She spotted him also as he (10) …  (wave) and yelling and screaming to get her attention.

    She rowed her boat towards him. In disbelief, he asked, "Where you (11) …  (come) from? How did you get here"?

    She said, "I rowed from the other side of the island. I landed on this island when my cruise ship sank"

    "Amazing", he said, "I didn't know anyone else  (12) … (survive) .How many of you are there? Where did you get the row-boat? You must have been really lucky to have a row-boat wash-up with you?"

    "It is only me", she said, "and the row-boat didn't wash up, nothing else did."

    "Well then", said the man, "how did you get the row-boat?"

    "I made the row-boat out of raw material that I found on the island", replied the woman.
    "But, but", asked the man, "what about tools and hardware, how  you (13) …  (to do) that?"

    "Oh, no problem", replied the woman, "on the south side of the island there is a very unusual strata of alluvial rock exposed. I found that If I fired it to a certain temperature in my kiln, it melted into forgeable ductile iron.
    "Well, let's row over to my place", she said. So they both got into the row-boat and left for her side of island. The woman easily rowed them around to a wharf that led to the approach to her place. She tied up the row-boat with a beautifully (14) … (to weave) hemp rope. They walked up a stone walk and around a Palm tree, there stood an exquisite bungalow painted in blue and white.

    "It's not much", she said, "but I call it home. Sit down please, would you like to have a drink?"

    "No", said the man, "one more coconut juice and I will puke."

    "It won't be coconut juice", the woman replied, "I have a still, how about a Pina Colada?" Trying to hide his continued amazement, the man accepted, and they sat down on her couch to talk. After a while, when they (15) … (to exchange) their stories, the woman asked, "Tell me, have you always had a beard?"

    "No", the man replied, "I was clean shaven all of my life, and even on the cruise ship"

    "Well if you would like to shave, there is a man's razor upstairs in the cabinet in the bathroom." So, the man, no longer questioning anything, went upstairs to the bathroom. The man shaved, showered and went back down stairs...

    "You look great", said the woman, "I think I will go up and slip into something more comfortable." After a short time, the woman returned - this time (16) … (to wear)  fig leafs strategically positioned and smelling faintly of gardenia.

    "Tell me", she asked, "we have both been out here for a very long time with no companionship. You know what I mean. Have you been lonely, is there anything that you really miss? Something that all men and women need? Something that it would be really nice to have right now?"

    "Yes there is", the man replied, as he moved closer to the woman while (17) … (to fix) a winsome gaze upon her, "Tell me ... Do you happen to have an Internet connection?"


    Keys (1) was travelling; (2) was being waited; (3) came; (4) swept; (5) decided; (6) was lying; (7) came; (8) had seen; (9) gave; (10) was waving; (11) did you come; (12) had survived; (13) did you do; (14) woven; (15) had exchanged; (16) wearing; (17) fixing;

    Категория: Intermediate | Добавил: philantrop (25.07.2010)
    Просмотров: 9669 | Рейтинг: 4.4/7 |
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