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    плагиат - норма жизни?
    Наши кинематографисты и шоумены беззастенчиво "сдирают" цитаты из произведений классиков, наивно полагая, что их никто не знает, и вставляют их в свои сценарии и репризы. Примером тому служит многострадальный и наиболее часто выдаваемый за собственный отрывок из пьесы Оскара Уальда, который по праву считается самым остроумным писателем среди юмористов. Я привожу его полностью, чтобы читатель сам мог судить, как мельчат плагиаторы, вырезая из него куски и приспосабливая к своим очень нехитрым сценариям. Вот он:

    На всякий случай напоминаю, что Алджернон и Джек - два молодых лондонских повесы, которые волею судеб оказались опекунами молодых хорошеньких девушек. Джек хочет жениться на подопечной Алджернона.

    A l g e r n o n: I don't give my consent.
    J a c k: Your consent!
    A l g e r n o n: My dear fellow, Gwendolen is my first cousin. And before I allow you to marry her, you will have to clear up the whole question of Ceciy. (Rings bell.)
    J a c k: Cecily! What on earth do you mean? What do you mean, Algy, by Cecily! I don't know anyone of the name of Cecily.

    Enters Lane, the servant.

    A l g e r n o n: Bring me that cigarette case Mr. Worthing left in the smoking room last time he dined here.
    J a c k: Do you mean to say you have had my cigarette case all this time? I wish to goodness you had let me know. I have been writing frantic letters to Scotland Yard about it. I was very nearly offering a large reward.
    A l g e r n o n:Well, I wish you would offer one. I happen to be more than usually hard up.
    J a c k: There is no good offering a large reward now that the thing is found.

    A l g e r n o n: I think that is rather mean of you, Eranest, I must say. However, it makes no matter,for, now that I look at the inscription inside, I find that the thing isn't yours after all.
    J a c k: Of course it's mine. You have seen me with it a hundred times, and you have no right whatsoever to read what is written inside. It is a very ungentlemanly thing to read a private cigarette case.
    A l g e r n o n: Yes; but it isn't your cigarette case. This cigarette case is a present from some one of the name of Cecily, and you said you didn't know anyone of that name.
    J a c k: Well, if you want to know, Cecily happens to be my aunt.
    A l g e r n o n: Your aunt!
    J a c k: Yes. Charming old lady she is, too. Lives at Tunbridge Wells. Just give it back to me, Algy.
    A l g e r n o n: But why does she call herself little Cecvily if she is your aunt and lives at Tunbridge Wells? "From little Cecily with her fondest love."
    J a c k: My dear fellow, what on earth is there in that? Some aunts are tall, some aunts are not tall. That is a matter that surely an aunt may be allowed to decide for herself. You seem to think that every aunt should be exactly like your aunt. That is absurd! For Heaven's sake give me back my cigarette case.
    A l g e r n o n:Yes. But why does your aunt call you her uncle? "From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack." There is no objection, I admit, to an aunt being a small aunt, but why an aunt, no matter what her size may be, should call her own nephew her uncle, I can't quite make out. Besides, your name isn't Jack at all. it is Earnest.
    J a c k: It isn't Earnest; it's Jack.

    И ниже чудненький пример градации, до которого у плагиаторов, к счастью, руки пока не доходили.

    A l g e r n o n: You have always told me it was Earnest. I have introduced you to every one as Earnest. You answer to the name of Eernest. You look as if your name was Earnest. You are the most earnest-looking person I ever saw.

    Узнаете? Помимо мелких шоу, этот отрывок прозвучал в популярном фильме "ШИРЛИ-МЫРЛИ", где монолог про тетушку произносит актер Угольников, только там вместо портсигара фигурировали часы. Вообще не следует думать, что народ в массе своей так дремуч, что не знает классиков мировой литературы. Дело тут даже не в авторских правах, — с давно умершими писателями вопрос с авторскими правами, как правило, решается достаточно легко. Но несолидно это— запускать на всю страну в общем-то неплохой фильм и так себя ронять.

    Что ж, раз на то пошло, облегчу деятелям культуры жизнь и приведу еще пару остроумных цитат из того же произведения. Раз уж не хватает собственных ресурсов, приникнем к классике:

    J a c k: You're quite perfect, Miss Fairfax.
    G w e n d o l e n: Oh! I hope I am not that. It would leave no room for perfection, and I intend to develop in many directions.

    L a d y B r a c k n e l l: Do you smoke?
    J a c k: Well, yes, I must admit I smoke.
    L a d y B r a c k n e l l: I am glad to hear it. A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many idle men in London as it is.

    J a c k: Gwendolen, wait here for me.
    G w e n d o l e n: If your are not too long, I'll wait for you all my life.

    Вот. Пользуйтесь.Только чур, гонорар пополам!

    Елена Джонсон

    Категория: ЛЮБОПЫТНЫЕ ФАКТЫ | Добавил: philantrop (08.09.2009)
    Просмотров: 2106 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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