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    Главная » 2011 » Март » 11 » Английский язык для школьников №13
    Английский язык для школьников №13
    Английский язык для школьников №13
    1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:
    One night in April 1912, a new ocean liner was crossing the Atlantic. It (set out)
    two days before and (go) to New York. It (be) the
    largest and fastest ship in the world called Titanic.
    The passengers (have) a good time when the ship suddenly (hit)
    an iceberg.
    Everyone (tell) to come out of their rooms. Unfortunately there (be, not)
    enough lifeboats for all the passengers.
    There (be, not) very much time left. The iceberg (be) on one
    side of the ship. It (look) like a high, white wall.
    A woman (come) to the side of the ship. Her two children (be)
    in one of the lifeboats, and she (be) very much afraid.
    "My children (be) in the lifeboat. I (must, go) with them!" the
    woman (call) to the people in the lifeboat.
    "There's no more room," someone (call out) . "If we (take)
    one more, the lifeboat (sink) ."
    There (be) a young woman in the lifeboat called Miss Evans. When she
    (hear) the woman calling, she (stand up) in the lifeboat and (touch)
    one of the men on the arm.
    "Let me (get back) to the ship," she said. "This woman (must, be)
    with her children."
    "The ship (sink) . Very soon it (go down) under the water," said the man.
    "I (know) it," said Miss Evans.
    People (help) her to get back on the ship. Very soon after that there (be)
    a great noise, and the Titanic (go down) under the water.

    2. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту "Miss Evans ":

    3. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), (D) выберите единственно правильный:
    1. The room with beautiful yellow roses.
    (A) decorated (C) has decorated
    (B) was decorated (D) was decorating
    2. At last Sally came in to tell him that dinner ready.
    (A) is (C)was
    (B) has been (D) is being
    3. Yes, I enjoyed the play very .
    (A) much (C) a lot
    (B) many (D) a great deal
    4. He wondered if he told her the truth.
    (A) what will she say (C) what would she say
    (B) what she would say (D) she would say what
    5. He didn't answer his question.
    (A) on (C) at
    (B)to (D)-
    6. I've spoken to everyone except .
    (A) he (C) him
    (B)his (D) himself
    7. Mr Adams is fond speeches in public.
    (A) to make (C) making
    (B) make (D) of making
    8. Everybody fine weather.
    (A) likes (C) is liking
    (B) like (D) dislike
    9.1 histories of the Early Roman Empire, so there was nothing
    very new to me in what he said.
    (A) read (C) had read
    (B) have read (D) had been read
    10. How long here? — Fifteen years.
    (A) have you been (G) are you
    (B) you had been (D) are you being
    11. Do you know how long
    (A) it takes
    (B) takes it
    to get to the centre?
    (C) does take
    (D) does it take
    12. She said that her husband was a bank manager, ?
    (A) wasn't he (C) didn't he
    (B) was he
    13.1 for this company since 1995.
    (A) work
    (B) am working
    14. What was your favourite subject
    (A) at school
    (B) at the school
    15. Who the flowers in that vase?
    (A) did arrange
    (B) arranged
    16. They haven't finished dinner
    (A) yet
    (B) already
    17. I've never heard fantastic story!
    18. I'll ring you up as soon as I
    (A) will come
    (B) come
    19.1 don't play hockey, but I like to watch others
    (A) to play
    (D) didn't she
    (C) worked
    (D) have been working
    (C) in school
    (D) in the school
    (C) arrange
    (D) was arranged
    (C) still
    (D) else
    (C)such a
    (D) so a
    (C) would come
    (D) came
    (C) the play
    (D) to playing
    20.1 have never seen this film. —
    (A) I haven't too (C) Never did I
    (B) So have I (D) Neither have I
    21. Margaret's dress was made blue silk.
    (A) with (C) off
    (B) of (D) out from
    22. Tom thinks that he will find a job .
    (A) easy (C) with easy
    (B) easily (D) easiest
    23. Will you help me to the table, Mary?
    (A) lay (C)lain
    (B) lie (D) laid
    24. The last student now.
    (A) examines (C) is being examined
    (B) is examined (D) had been examined
    25. A hot lemon drink with honey is very good a cold.
    (A) to (C) with
    (B) from (D) for

    4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
    1. Родители хотят, чтобы их дети были добрыми и честными.
    2. Джон не говорит ни по-немецки, ни по-французски.
    3. Что ты собираешься делать сегодня вечером? — Я еще не решил.
    4. Мне очень жаль, но я не могу принять ваше приглашение. У меня столько
    много работы!
    5. У тебя есть родственники в Петербурге? — Да, там живет моя двоюродная
    6. Где деньги? — Они на столе.
    7. На каком языке она говорит? Я ничего не понимаю.
    8. Ничто не могло заставить нас выйти на улицу в такую дождливую погоду.
    9. Северн гораздо длиннее Темзы, не правда ли?
    10. На твоем месте я бы не стал покупать этот костюм.

    Просмотров: 9456 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 3.8/16 |
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