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    Review of Bill Gates’s book ”Business @ the Speed of Thought”

    "Business is going to change more in the next ten years than it has in the last fifty.”

    Bill Gates

    This book was written in 1999 by Bill Gates, chairman and Chief Software Architect of the world largest software developing company Microsoft Corporation.

    At first look, it might seem to be just an extended advert for Microsoft. But no, there is more to this book. It is penetrating, and entertaining. This book is not just about big business getting bigger, but also about how simple techniques of good information flow management within even the smallest of organizations, can make contented customers keep coming back to you again and again for more commerce.

    Gate’s Big Idea is that tomorrow’s successful companies will have a "digital nervous system"* – a network which provides a constant flow of accurate, up–to–date and detailed information. He claims that while most of today’s companies collect enormous quantities of data, they extract very little information from them. He defenses his argument with case studies from Microsoft and other companies (Dell, Coca–Cola, Boeing, and Siemens) which either understand the need for digital nerves, or have them already in place.

    Рефераты, курсовые, дипломные по английскому языку скачать | Просмотров: 6076 | Добавил: f531 | Дата: 26.07.2009 | Комментарии (0)

    What type of toys do the kids prefer nowadays?

    (The survey was conducted by consumer magazine)

    The survey was carried on the 19th of October 2003 in Narva Humanitaargьmnaasium among the students aged 7-14, from 1st to 6th forms. The ratio of female and male was 3 to 2. The aim of this research work was to get to know the preferences of our children in toys.

    Тот факт, что словарь языка содержит примерно 300 тысяч слов, имеет только теоретический интерес для начинающего изучать этот язык. Едва ли не главный принцип для разумной организации своих занятий, особенно на начальной стадии - это экономия слов. Нужно научиться запоминать как можно меньше слов, но делать это как можно лучше.

    Подчеркнем, что наш подход прямо противоположен ведущему принципу "суггестопедии", с ее упором на изобилие слов, предъявляемых учащемуся. Как известно, в соответствии, с ее канонами, начинающего нужно буквально "осыпать словами". Лучше всего задавать ему или ей по 200 новых слов каждые сутки.

    Стоит ли сомневаться в том, что любой нормальный человек забудет все те многочисленные слова, которыми его "осыпали" по такой, с позволения сказать, методе - и скорее всего очень скоро, всего через несколько дней.

    После определения и прояснения на семинаре своих целей и проблем, в голову приходят самые разнообразные идеи. Позитивное видение мира гораздо творчески эффективнее, чем зацикленность на проблемах.

    Если хочется побольше и побыстрее говорить, то всю грамматику можно сразу усваивать через разговорную речь при этом заодно формируя свою (или студентов) систему ценностей, развивая мысль, применяя идеи семинара.

    Маленькие примеры.

    Отработка настоящего простого времени:

    Представить свой идеальный день. Как вы его проводите. Что вы можете сделать сейчас, чтобы так организовать свой день?

    Как вы учите язык? Что вам помогает и что мешает?

    Многие озабочены поисками гениального, решающего все проблемы одним махом способа расширения словарного запаса. Способы запоминания новых слов, описанные в этой статье, не могут претендовать на титул волшебной палочки, но все же они работают. Один из этих способов будет понемногу сводить вас с ума, другой временами будет оставлять вашего собеседника в недоумении, а если вы будете использовать третий, то ни одна поездка в общественном транспорте не обойдется без косых взглядов попутчиков. На чем же остановиться?

    British vs. American English


    Torsten Daerr

    English is spoken in many countries either as the mother tongue or as a second language. That’s why instead of «English» there are many «Englishes» — variations of the language. In this article I’ll focus on the two mostly commonly used versions of English — British and American English.

    Before we take a look at some of the differences between the two main types of English I’d like to stress that these differences are somehwat minor and with the ongoing internationalization of our modern world they could even said to be diminishing.

    The few differences that exist between British and American English tend rather to enrich communication than slow it down.

    Although not all my British readers might agree, I think that the American version of spoken English is becoming more and more dominant for several reasons. Let me give you an example to show you why American English has a stronger impact on British English than vice versa.

    The Olympic Games

    The Olympic Games are one of the most spectacular reminders of the debt we owe to the Greeks. 

    The original Olympic Games were held every four years in honour of Zeus, the supreme god of Greek religion. The first record of the games dates from 776 B.C., but it is certain that they existed prior to that. They were held continuously for over 1.000 years until they were abolished in the reign of King Theodosius about 392 A.D. The Olympic festival was a great unifying bond between the Independent city-states of Greece. 

    The important sports in the original Olympic Games were running, jumping, wrestling, throwing the discus and throwing the javelin. Only men competed and they wore no clothes in order to have greater freedom of movement. Each competitor had to take the Olympic Oath - a promise to behave in a sportsman-like fashion. 

    Climate and nature of Great Britain


    The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain. The climate in Britain is usually described as cool, temperate and humid.

    British people say: "Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather."

    The weather in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool. Therefore it is natural for the people to use the comparison "as changeable as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in Britain. When two Englishmen are introduced to each other, if they can't think of any thing else to talk about, they talk about weather. When two people meet in the street they will often say something about weather as they pass, just to show their friendliness.

    The History of Moscow 

    In 1147, when Moscow began to figure in Russian history, it formed part of the principality of Suzdal’; the date of its settlement is unknown. The development of the little village into a sprawling city dates from 1295, when it became the capital of the newly established principality of Moscow.

    Growth was especially rapid during the first half of the 14th century, a period marked by sharp expansion of the power and wealth of the principality.

    In 1325 the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox church transferred his seat to Moscow, making the city the national religious capital. It became the national political capital during the reign (1462-1505) of Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyevich, who unified the Russian principalities. The seat of the Russian government was removed from Moscow to Saint Petersburg in 1712. 

    The United States of America

    The United States of America, popularly called "The States". "U.S.A", "The Land of Liberty" is a vast country stretching across the middle of North America. This country which at one time inhabited by Red Indians, is now the home of "nation of nations". as people from every part of the world have gone to live in this land of wealth and promise. These settlers met, mingled, and worked with great enterprise, and as a result of their efforts, the United States has become one of the most important countries in the world.

    In 1620 the; Pilgrim Fathers, a band of Puritans in England who sought freedom of worship, set forth for America in the sailing-ship Mayflower. Three months after leaving Plymouth Harbour, they reached the shores of what is now called new England, and Founded the America township of Plymouth. Although they often had difficult times with the native Red Indian tribes, the colony soon prospered and more and more settlers joined them. The Indians used a new kind of grain, which the settlers called "Indian corn" (now termed maize) and they ate strange birds called turkeys. On the fourth Thursday of November the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day with a feast of turkey and Indian corn.

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