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    Все для экзамена [1308]

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    1. Бовуар С. де. Второй пол. Т.1 - 2,- М: Прогресс, 1977. - 832 с.
    2. Васильева Л. Дьёрдь Радо // ИЛ. 1984, № 5. - С.225-228.
    3. Комиссаров В.В. Общая теория перевода. Проблемы перевода в освещении зарубежных ученых.- М.: ЧеРо, 2000. - 136 с.
    4. Кэрролл Л. Приключение Алисы в Стране Чудес / Пер. и ком. Н.МДемуровой.- М.: Книга, 1982. - 347 с.
    5. Радо Д. Из воспоминаний переводчика русской поэзии // Поэтика перевода. - М.: Радуга, 1988. - С.205-212.
    6. Швейцер К.Д. Теория перевода: статус, проблемы, аспекты.- М.: Наука,
    7. Якобсон Р. Избранные работы.- М.:Прогресс, 1985. - 455 с.
    9. Assmann J. Translating Gods: Religion as a Factor Of Cultural (Un)translatability // The Translatability of Cultures: Figurations of Spa between / ed. By Budick S. - Stanford, California: Stanford Univ. Press, 1996. j P.25-67.
    10.Baker M. The Role of Corpora in Investigating the Linguistic Behavior of Professional Translators // International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 1999.Vol. 4(2).-P.281-298.
    11 Beauvoir S de. Le Deuxieme Sexe.- Paris, 1949. - 800 p.
    12.Benjamin W. The Task of the Translator: An Introduction to the Translation of Baudelaire's 'Tableaux ParisiensY/Illuminations. - N.Y.: Schocken Books! 1923. -P.69-82.
    13.Cameron D. Feminism and Linguistic Theory. - Basingstone: Macmillan,
    1992. - 247 p. H.CarrolI L. Alice in Wonderland. - M.: Mocsow Publishing House, 1992.-123p|
    15. Casagrande J. The Ends of Translation // International Journal of American Linguistics.-1954. №4, - P. 40.
    16. Catford J. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. - London, 1965. - 121 p.
    17. Chamberlain L. Gender and the Metaphorics of Translation //Sign, 13. -1988. - P. 452. :
    18. Dagut M. A Linguistic Analysis of Some Semantic Problems of Hebrew-English Translation. - Jerusalem: The Hebrew Univ., 1971. - 75 p.
    19. Delisle J. L'Analyse du discours comme methode de traduction. - Ottawa: Univ. of Ottawa Press, 1984.
    20. Derrida J. The Ear of the Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation. -London: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1985.
    21. Drant T. A Medicinable Moral, that is, the Two Books of Horace, His Satires Englished According to the Prescription of St. Hierome, cited in Amos // Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. - London, N.Y.: Routledge, 2000.
    22. Dryden J. Ovid's Epistles // Essays of John Dryden. - N.Y., 1926.
    23. Dryden J. On Translation // Theories of Translation. An Antology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida / Ed. by Schulte R. - Chicago & L.: Univ.of Chicago Press, 1999.-P. 17-31.
    24. Eco U. The Search for the Perfect Language. - London: Fontana Press, 1997. -385 p.
    25. Eco U. Experiences in Translation. - Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2000, -134 p.
    26. Economist. - 16,03.2002. Vol. 362, issue 8264.
    27. Even-Zohar I. Mavo le-teorya shel Natirgum hasifrute (Introduction to a Theory of Literary Translation). - Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Univ. Press, 1971. ?
    28. Folena G. "Volgarizzare" e "tradurre" // La Traduzione (Saggi e Studi). - f Trieste: LINT, 1973 - P.59-120.
    29. Folena G. Premessa sui problem! della traduzione letteraria // La Traduzione dei moderni nel Veneto: Diego Valeri e Leone Traverse. — 1977. Vol.6. - P. 1-20.
    30. Flotov L. von . Translation and Gender. Translating in the Era of Feminism. - Manchester, UK: Univ.of Ottawa Press, 1997. - 114 p.
    31. Gile D. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training.-Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publ, 1995. - 278 p.
    32. Godard B. Theorizing Feminist Discourse / Translation // Translation. History and Culture / Ed. by Basnett S. & Lefevere A. - London: Frances Pinter, 1990.-P.87-96.
    33. Gramsci A. Quaderni del carcere. - Turin: Einaudi, 1975.
    34. Halliday M.A.K. Comparison and Translation. // M.A.K.Halliday A.McIntosh, P.Strevens. The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching. London: Longman, 1964.
    35. Halliday M.A.K. The Comparison of Languages // A. Macintosh, M.A.K Halliday. Patterns of Language. - London: longman, 1966.
    36. Hewitt K. Understanding English Literature. - Oxford: Perspective Publications ltd., 1997. -279 p.
    37. Humboldt W. von "Introduction to Aeschylus" Agamemnon // Lefevere, Translating Literature: the German Tradition from Luter to Rosenzweig.- Assen: Van Gorcum, 1977. - P.40- 45.
    38. Hutchins W.J. Machine Translation and Machine-Aided Translation// Translation: Literary, Linguistic and Philosophical Perspectives. / Ed. by W.| Fraley. - Nerwark: Univ. of Delawara Press, 1984. - P.93-135.
    39. Jorgensen S.W. Is MT Translation? Reflections on a Recent Assault // Journal! of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial intelligence. - 1999. № 11. -P.531-541J
    40. Kade O. Zufall und Gezetzmassigkeit in der Ubersetzung.- Leipzig, 1968.
    41. Kade O. Some Methodological Aspects of Simultaneous Interpreting // Babel.Vol.21. - Frankfurt am Main, 1971. - P-12-16.
    42. Lehman-Wilzig S. The Tower of Bab«l vs. the Power of Babble. - London: New Media & Society. 2000. Vol.2(4).- P.467-494.
    43. Levine S. J. The Subversive Scribe: Translating Latin American Fiction. -Mineapolis: Greywolf Press, 1991.
    44. Lotbiniere-Harwood S. de. Re-belle «t infidele. La traduction comme pratique de reecritude au feminine. Quebec: Les editions du remue-menage: The Women's Press, 1991. < ,,(«'$Я. *,••.•?*
    v 150
    45. Luter M. Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen//H.J.Storig. Das Priblem des Ubersetzens. - Stuttgart, 1963
    46. Mounin G. Les Problemes theoretique de la traduction. - Galimard: Bible. Des Idies, 1963. -
    47. Neubert A. Pragmatische Aspekte der Ubersetzung // Grundfragen der Ubersetzungswis- senschatt- Leipzig: Verlag, 1968.
    48. Neubert A. Text and Translation. - Leipzig: Verlag, 1985.
    49. Neubert A. Computers, Dictionary Makers and Translators // ; Ubersetzungswissenschaft im Umbruch. - Tubingen: Narr, 1996. - P.155-156.
    50. Neubert A. Translation in a Textual Context: a New Appraisal.- Maastricht: UPM,2001.-P.55-72.
    51. Newmark P. Approaches to Translation. - N.Y.; L.: Phoenix, 1995. -200 p
    52. Newmark P. A Textbook of Translation. - L.: Phoenix, 1995. - 292 p.
    53. Nida E. Why so Many Bible Translations? // The Word of God: A Guide to - , English Versions of the Bible. - Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1982. ;
    54. Nouss A. Translation and the Two Models of Interpretation // Teaching . Translation and Interpreting 2: Insights, Aims, Visions. - Amsterdam: John •„...> . Benjamins Publ. Co, 1994. - P.157-167. ./w.vi
    55. Rabassa G. If This Be Treason: Translation and its Possibilities // Translation: Literary, Linguistic and Philosophical Perspectives. - Newark: Univ.of Delaware Press, 1983.-P.21-29.
    56. Rabin Ch. The Linguistics of Translation // Aspects of Translation: Studies in ; Communication. - London, 1958.
    57. Rado Gy. The Bible in Hungarian // The Bible Translator: Technical Papers 1. - 1971. №5.- P. 144.
    58. Rado Gy. Hungarian Tradition // Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. - London: Routledge, 2000. - P.448-456.
    59. Rakos S. Tanulmanyok a muforditasrol [Studies in Literary Translation]. -Budapest: Union of Hungarian Writers, 1975.
    60. Reiss K. Moglichkeiten und Grenzen der Ubersetzungskritik. - Munchen: Max Huber, 1971.
    61. Reiss K. Grundugung einer allmeinen Translations theorie. - Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1984.
    62. Reiss K. Textyp und Ubersetzungsmethode; der operative text. - Heidelberg: Gross, 1993.
    63. Reiss K. Translation Criticism. The Potentials and Limitations (Categories and Criteria for Translation Quality Assessment, - Manchester, UK: American Bible Society, 2000. - 127 p.
    64. Savory T. The Art of Translation. - London: Cape, 1952. - 191 p.
    65. Seleskovich D. La Traduction interpretative // Palimpsestes. № 1. - Paris: Univ. de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1987.
    66. Seleskovich D., Lederer M. Interpreter pour traduire. - Paris: Didier, 1987.
    67. Simon Sh. Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission. - L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 1996. - 194 p.
    68. Snell-Hornby M. Communicating in the Global Village: On Language, Translation and Cultural Identity // Translating in the Global Village. / Ed. by Schafther Ch. / Miltiiingual Matters ltd.- Clevedon, 2000. - P.I 1 - 28.
    69. Stefan V. Hautungen: Autobiografische Aufreichnungen. - Munchen: ? Frauenoffensive, 1975. - 127 p.
    70. Tanaka Y. Quality Testing of Machine - readable Dictionaries // Translation and Meaning. Part 5. - Maastricht: UPM, 2001. - P. 197-207.
    71. Terracini B. II Problema della traduzione. - Milan: Serra e Riva, 1983.
    72. Teubert W. Corpus Linguistics - A Partisan View// International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. - 2000. Vol.5, №.1. - P. 1-12.
    73. TouryG. Norms of Literary Translation into Hebrew, 1930-1945. (PhD "< : theses).-Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Univ., 1976. "-• ~-
    74. Toury G. Translational Norms and Literary Translation into Hebrew, 1930-1945. - Tel Aviv: the Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, 1977.
    75. Toury G. The Notion of Assumed Translation. - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ, 1995.
    76. Toury G. Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. A Handful of Paragraphs on Translation' and 'Norms'// Translation and Norms. - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ., 1998 . - P. 10-32.
    77. Toury G. How Come the Translation of a Limerick Can Have Four Lines (or Can It?). - Tel Aviv: The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, 1999.
    78. Vinay J.P., Darbelnet, J. Stilistique comparee du francais et de 1'anglais. Methode de traduction.-Paris: Didier, 1968.
    79. Watters P.A., Patel M. Direct Machine Translation Systems as Dynamic Systems: the Iterative Semantic Processing (ISP) Paradigm // Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. - 2000. Vol. 7, №1. - P.43-51.
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