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    Главная » 2011 » Март » 11 » Английский язык для школьников
    Английский язык для школьников
    Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы
    1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:
    Dear Alice,
    Hi! I'm on holiday in London. I (stay)__________ with my friend, Jane.
    She (live)__________ in the centre of London, near Hyde Park.
    I (be)__________ here since Saturday and I (already, do)__________ lots of things. I visit)__________ the Tower of London, the British Museum and Madam Tussaud's.
    I (go)__________ to Madam Tussaud's on Monday. It (be)_________ terrible. When I (enter)_________ the Chamber of Horrors, I (scream)__________ .
    Yesterday Jane and I (go)__________ shopping. I (want)_________ to buy some souvenirs. But while I (pay)_________ for a T-shirt, someone (steal)__________ my bag. Luckily, I (spend, already)
    nearly all my money.
    There (be)__________ a lot of things I (not, do)__________ yet. I (not, be)__________ on a boat trip down the Thames yet, I (not, see)___________ the Millennium Dome.
    If the weather (be)__________ fine tomorrow, I (go)___________ on a boat trip. I hope Jane (can)__________ keep me company.
    I (like)_________ London very much. I (never, see)_________ such a beautiful city. You (must)__________ visit it some day.
    I (be)_________ back in a week, so I (call)__________ you than.

    2. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту "A Letter from London ":

    3. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), (D) выберите единственно правильный:
    1. There's no doubt that computers have______________ our lives easier.
    (A) done
    (B) got
    (C) become
    (D) made

    2. The journalist asked me___________ .
    (A) what was my favourite pastime
    (B) what is my favourite pastime
    (C) what my favourite pastime was
    (D) what my favourite pastime is

    3. You'll be here tomorrow,____________ ?
    (A) isn't it
    (B) won't you
    (C) will you
    (D) will you be

    4. There was__________ to eat and drink after the party.
    (A) many
    (B) lot of
    (C) a lot
    (D) lots of

    5. __________that strange man sitting over there?
    (A) Whose
    (B) Which
    (C) Who's
    (D) Who

    6. A kangaroo has such strong legs_________ it can jump over a car.
    (A) so
    (B) so as
    (C) as
    (D) that

    7. Is there_________ in the room?
    (A) somebody
    (B) something
    (C) anybody
    (D) anywhere

    8. The telephone was__________ by Alexander Graham Bell.
    (A) discovered
    (B) invented
    (C) explored
    (D) studied

    9. This programme__________ me a lot of money.
    (A) cost
    (B) costed
    (C) had costed
    (D) was cost

    10. It happened__________ our way home.
    (A) in
    (B) on
    (C) for
    (D) about

    11. By the time we arrived at the station, the train__________ .
    (A) left
    (B) has left
    (C) had left
    (D) was left

    12. Mount Everest is___________ mountain in the world.
    (A) high
    (B) highest
    (C) the higher
    (D) the highest

    13. What do you want__________ ?
    (A) me to do
    (B) that I'll do
    (C) I do
    (D) for me to do

    14. If he lived in the country he__________ happier.
    (A) was
    (B) is
    (C) will be
    (D) would be

    15. Rome is famous for its__________ archaeological sites.
    (A) ancient
    (B) old
    (C) old-fashioned
    (D) modem

    16. ___________ operate a computer is not as difficult as many people think.
    (A) To learn
    (B) To learning
    (C) Learning
    (D) Learning to

    17. When did he arrive__________ Moscow?
    (A) at
    (B) on
    (C) in
    (D) for

    18. Nobody________ why people walk or talk in their sleep.
    (A) know
    (B) knows
    (C) knew
    (D) is knowing

    19. There is oxygen on this planet! We_________ to breathe!
    (A) can
    (B) will can
    (C) be able
    (D) will be able

    20. What will_________ be like tomorrow?
    (A) the weather
    (B) a weather
    (C) weather
    (D) the weathers

    21. Where__________ you last night at the time of the burglary?
    (A) were
    (B) was
    (C) did
    (D) have you been

    22. John_________ a new job.
    (A) have offered
    (B) has been offered
    (C) has offering
    (D) was been offered

    23. People use__________ words and gestures to express their feelings.
    (A) both
    (B) either
    (C) neither
    (D) also

    24. You'd better_________ there alone.
    (A) not to go
    (B) don't go
    (C) not go
    (D) go not

    25. John F. Kennedy was the youngest president of the United States and________ to be murdered.
    (A) four
    (B) the four
    (C) fourth
    (D) the fourth

    4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
    1. В пятнадцатилетнем возрасте Джек Лондон стал моряком.

    2. Анна всегда опаздывает на занятия. Вчера она на десять минут опоздала на урок английского языка.

    3. В воскресенье я не смогу пойти с тобой в театр. Приезжает моя двоюродная сестра, и я должна буду ее встретить.

    4. Не могли бы вы объяснить мне это правило еще раз?

    5. Когда мы вышли на улицу, дождь уже прекратился и снова ярко светило солнце.

    6. Ничто не заставит меня выйти из дома в такую мерзкую погоду.

    7. Что ты собираешься делать сегодня вечером? — Я иду с Линдой на выставку.

    8. Тебе понравился фильм? — Нет. — Мне тоже.

    9. Попроси его позвонить мне сегодня вечером.

    10. Волга гораздо длиннее Темзы.

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