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    Read the text about Russian bureacracy and do the tasks below
    Greetings! I’d like to share some materials I took with a group of Upper-Intermediate level students while working on the topic “Business. Money.” It also helped us to revise the topic of “Personality. Feelings and emotions” taken earlier during the year.
    The article was chosen due to the unique style of its author. He managed to describe the customs of the Russian “bureaucratic bother” with a fiery mockery. The article is packed with rich synonymic row of adjectives showing a high grade of emotions, adjectives describing personality and character giving a challenge for the students. All the process of the “bureaucratic bother” is translated by the native speaker which also proved to be useful for the students. After the article I file some drills to work on the language of the article.

    How to Request in Russian

    17 April 2009By Michele A. Berdy
    Прошу Вас: I request that you ...

    All bureaucracies are miserable, but each is miserable in its own way.

    Lately I've been spending a lot of time in line, trying to resolve a backlog of bureaucratic bother. The problem is that I've never mastered the customs and lingo of the Russian bureaucracy. Years ago, I went to the housing board with a Russian friend. She was supplicating but not sycophantic, persistent but not annoying, even-tempered without any hint that she might be a pushover, and she knew the exact moment and tone to use when she had to show some teeth. It was magnificent, like watching an Oscar performance.

    My performance, however, wouldn't get me on local television. I am often cowed, easily manipulated and overly grateful for the smallest courtesy. Not surprisingly, I almost never get what I want. But over the years, I have learned a thing or two.

    First of all, if you are making a request, go with your заявление (petition) already typed up in duplicate. In the top right corner write: Начальнику конторы "Рога и Копыта." (To the director of Horns and Hoofs, Inc.; this fictitious company from Ilf and Petrov's "The Golden Calf," refers to any shady business). This is followed by: от 'ИО, проживающего (ей) по адресу ... (from surname, name, patronymic, residing at the address ... ). Skip down a few lines and position the word Заявление in the center in a larger font.

    Then, if you are an American, you have to forget every boilerplate letter to an official you have ever written. You must adopt a tone of abject supplication mixed with politely veiled threat. This is, on the one hand, more groveling, but on the other hand it is more threatening than a homegrown American complaint letter.

    A petition begins with Прошу Вас (I request that you) and then gets straight to the point: Прошу Вас принять срочные меры по устранению протечки с крыши и произвести ремонт комнаты (I request that you take urgent measures to stop the roof from leaking and repair the room).

    Even though you've included the hot-button word срочный (urgent), you might need to ramp up the emergency volume. So you continue: так как потолок находится в аварийном состоянии и существует угроза его полного разрушения (since the ceiling is in catastrophic condition and is in danger of collapse).

    Аварийное состояние (literally, state of emergency) and полное разрушение (literally, total destruction) are Code Red words. In the home repair department, other good words are литься (to pour out, to come down in torrents) or структурное нарушение (structural damage). In the commercial world, citation of laws is not a bad ploy: В соответствии с законом "О защите прав потребителей" (In accordance with the Consumer Rights Protection law).

    It's always effective to let them know that your next step is a jump over their heads. В случае невыполнения я буду вынуждена обратиться в вышестоящие инстанции (If this is not carried out, I will have to address authorities at a higher level). That is, I don't want to make your life miserable, but you may leave me with no choice.

    After all this, you add information about where you live and some background: В течение пяти лет я обращалась с просьбой починить крышу (For five years, I have requested that the roof be fixed).

    Once someone has taken your petition, say these important words: Поставьте, пожалуйста, подпись, дату и штамп на моей копии (Please sign, date and stamp my copy). This proves that they accepted your petition. And it gives credence to your threat: Next stop -- your boss.

    Maybe this year my roof will get fixed.

    Michele A. Berdy is a Moscow-based translator and interpreter.

    You had a chance to appreciate the author’s unique style. Work on the text of the article.
    1. Pick up the adjectives and similes describing personality from the text.

    Adjectives and similes describing personality
    Positive meaning Degrading

    2. Build your vocabulary
    to accumulate/ build up a backlog — иметь большую задолженность, иметь большой долг to reduce a backlog — уменьшить долг, уменьшить задолженность The backlog of unfilled orders is growing at the moment. — Задолженность по невыполненным заказам в настоящее время возрастает.
    Bother; to bother
    We had a little bother with him at first. — Сначала нам с ним было трудновато.
    Don't let him bother us, with his nonsense. — Не позволяйте ему надоедать нам своими глупостями. to bother one's head (brains) — ломать голову . Don't bother about the letters, they're not urgent. — Не беспокойтесь об этих письмах, они не срочные. Don't bother about seeing me off. — Не надо меня провожать.

    push over опрокидывать, валить. The boy, running round the corner, nearly pushed the old lady over. — Из-за угла выбежал мальчик и чуть не сбил старую леди с ног.
    push-over а) пустяковое дело; несложная задача Eight years ago it was a push-over for me. — Восемь лет назад мне не составило бы совершенно никакого труда сделать это. б) легкопреодолимое препятствие 2) , слабовольный человек, не прилагающий особых усилий к осуществлению чего-л. а) слабый игрок; слабый противник б) плохой боксер в) легкодоступная женщина г) легкая добыча, легкая жертва

    3. Look through the synonymic adjectives describing the high state of quality. They help you to express strong feelings. Read through the explanation and examples of some of them. Translate and give the examples of usage of the others.
    magnificent (1) великолепный, величественный; производящий впечатление, внушительный) magnificent temple — величественный храм magnificent idea — внушительная идея. Разг. отличный, изумительный, прекрасный The day was magnificent. — День был изумительный.
    Wonderful замечательный, изумительный, поразительный, удивительный. It was wonderful to visit our national parks. — Прогулки по национальным паркам были просто замечательными. It was wonderful that we could see each other. — Как хорошо, что нам удалось повидаться.
    Splendid splendid tastes — замечательные манеры The entertainment was splendid. — Представление было восхитительным. splendid colours — ослепительно яркие краски
    4. Look through the following petition and think if it will be a success with the representative of the home repair department. Think of what u can add if you had to file such a petition.

    To the director of Horns and Hoofs, Inc.
    Residing at the address:


    I command you to take immediate urgent measures to stop the roof from leaking and repair the roof. For five years I requested that the roof be fixed.


    5. Grammar references:

    I request that you take…
    For five years I requested that the roof be fixed.
    - формы сослагательного наклонения, выраженные простым инфинитивом без частицы to.
    The Present Subjunctive или сочетание «should + инфинитив» употребляются в придаточных изъяснительных предложениях с союзом that после глаголов to order, to command, to insist, to demand, to request, to ask, to recommend, to propose, to suggest и после некоторых других глаголов, имеющих подобное значение. В британском английском типична структура «should + инфинитив»:
    1.It is necessary that this instruction should be typed.
    It is necessary that this , instruction be typed.
    Необходимо, чтобы эта инструкция была отпечатана (на машинке)

    2.The teacher insists that everybody should be present at the lecture.
    The teacher insists that everybody be present at the lecture.
    Преподаватель настаивает на том, чтобы все присутствовали на лекции.
    Translate into English using a dictionary:
    1.Мы настаиваем на том, чтобы провести собрание как можно скорее. 2.Нужно ли было сообщить дяде? 3.Важно ли, чтобы работа была сделана сегодня? 4.Комитет рекомендовал компании вложить деньги в новую собственность.5.Я вам настоятельно рекомендую больше внимания обращать на свою диету. 6. Он предложил, чтобы вы взяли организацию экскурсии в свои руки.
    6. Translate into Russian. 1.abject flattery, abject liar, abject coward, abject apology, abject poverty, abject failure, abject despair.2. If you expect to gain favours from the king, you will have to grovel before him to show your respect and obedience.3.He has not all his buttons. He did not care a button for cock-fighting. Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat. He reached for the remote control and pressed the "play" button.4. The ploy is to get her out.

    Категория: FOR ADVANCED LEARNERS | Добавил: philantrop (18.09.2009) | Автор: Наталья Терехова
    Просмотров: 3510 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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