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    How do teens express their individuality?

    Т.В.Костишина – учитель английского языка
    МОУ «Хорогочинская СОШ»

    Урок английского языка в 10 классе – (2часа)

    Theme: How do teens express their individuality?

    Тип урока: комплексное применение знаний.

    Цели урока:

    — выработка умений самостоятельно применять знания, осуществлять их перенос в новые условия;
    — научить высказываться о подростках и их основных проблемах.

    Учебный аспект

    — совершенствование речемыслительных навыков на основе чтения аутентичных текстов с разными стратегиями;
    — формирование лексических навыков говорения, развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации и детального понимания содержания, развитие умения письменно излагать свою точку зрения.

    Познавательный аспект
    — знакомство с высказываниями зарубежных сверстников, о проблемах молодёжи.

    Развивающий аспект
    — развитие языковых способностей и устойчивого интереса к изучению английского языка;
    — расширить лексическую базу;
    — совершенствовать умение работать с дополнительной литературой, словарем;
    — развивать умение воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух;
    — развивать творческие способности и умение работать в группе.

    Воспитательный аспект
    — формирование критического отношения к действительности, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и событиям;
    — воспитание терпимого отношения к попыткам самовыражения молодежи и понимания этих попыток.

    План урока:
    1. Организационный момент.
    2. Фонетическая зарядка.
    3. Речевая зарядка (новая лексика).
    4. Проверка домашнего задания.
    5. Дополнительный материал по готам и хакерам.
    6. Классификация проблем подростков – дискуссия.
    7. Аудирование.
    8. Устная речь.
    9. Песня «You’ll see».
    10. Стих. Творчество.
    11. Подведение итогов урока.
    Оборудование и ТСО:
    1. Учебник (10–11-й класс, В.П.Кузовлев).
    2. Activity Book (к учебнику В.П.Кузовлева 10–11-й класс).
    3. Книга для учителя (к учебнику В.П.Кузовлева 10–11-й класс).
    4. Аудиозаписи.
    5. Презентация.
    6. Мультимедиа проектор.
    7. Ноутбук.
    8. Магнитофон.
    Ход урока.
    I. Оргмомент. 2-3 min.
    Hello, students, glad to see you. … How are you today? … Ok. Sit down, please, and get ready to work. As for me, I feel like sleeping today morning, but you know that adults have no right to relax at work, so, let’s start.
    First of all, look at the blackboard and try to guess, what we are going to speak about today. … What can you see on the blackboard? (the st-ts try to predict the theme, and I help them).
    Yes, you are right, it’s easy to guess, that we shall speak about subcultures, youth groupings, their typical features. But we shall also speak about why teens come together in groups. I hope we shall see some presentations today, we shall have some listening, and reading. You’ll see.

    II. To begin with let’s set up a rule. You should begin each of your answers with a conversational phrase. Here are some of them:
    In my opinion, I agree that …, I disagree that, To my mind…, If I’m not mistaken…

    Let’s have some practice.
    Look at the picture and say what it is associated with. A reading man, a cool car, a smart phone, a millionaire, a party. ….5 min. So, I see you understand me well. And it’s time to come to subcultures, but first of all, lexis. You will get some phrases, some of them about teens, some are from other topics, some are unknown. You will work in pairs, in POSITION #1, and choose the words that refer to the youngsters lifestyle and problems. If you see an unknown word, stick it on the blackboard.

    Causes, results in, leads to, mental maturity , aggressiveness, frequent, lack of money, easy life, rich, richness, out-of-date clothes, express identity, unacceptable, youth subcultures, come together in groups, dependence, violent, violence, smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs, community, listen to music, pocket money, confident, significant, parents’ control, break the rules, disobey, to conform to society’s standards, to escape from problems, rebel, offend, hurt people physically, revenge for the offence, be unhappy, rude, rough, independence, freedom, respect.
    5 min. Well, you can see on the blackboard some new words. Please, read them after me all together. (then individually 2 st-ts) 1-2 min.

    mental maturity
    lack of money
    out-of-date clothes
    to escape from (problems, home)

    Now you will get definitions of the phrases, try to discover which ones match. Work in groups of 4, please.
    Then we’ll check.5 min.

    Please, to make sure that you have remembered the new words and phrases, do exercise # 4 in your cards. Fill in the gaps with the new words.

    1. Sometimes teens can be … with their parents. a) frequent
    2. They often have … language with a lot of slang. b) offend
    3. … means first of all understanding of your responsibility. c) unacceptable
    4. Each … has its own leader. d) rude
    5. “Such behavior is … at school”- said the teacher. e) dependence
    6. Trying … problems and relax, some youngsters start taking drugs. f) community
    7. He looked very … when he answered my questions. g) significant
    8. I don’t think it’s good to … people. h) rough
    9. It is extremely … for teens to have cool modern youth clothes. i) confident
    10. Financial … from parents drives teens mad. j) lack of money
    11. Sally wears … , and other girls laugh at her. k) mental maturity
    12. Because of … he didn’t buy Susan a good present. l) out-of-date clothes
    13. … quarrels with parents resulted in a serious conflict. m) to escape from

    KEY: 1D, 2H, 3K, 4F, 5C, 6M, 7I, 8B, 9G, 10E, 11L, 12J, 13A.

    III. So, I think, you are ready to remember your homework. At home you read about youth subcultures. You will work in POSITION #1, and discuss the most typical features of the representatives of the subculture you are lucky to choose at random. Please, make a list of features.…(Я на карточках пишу субкультуры хиппи, рокеров, хакеров, скинхедов, байкеров, рейверов, (модов), ребята тянут одну из карточек и обсуждают в парах основные черты той или иной субкультуры.)
    3 min.
    Now change, POSITION# 2. Tell the new partner about your subculture and listen to information of his or her subculture. Remember it, you will tell it then.3 min. Control 2 students.
    IV. Now we have some information about one of the most popular subcultures about Goths. (presentation) 3-4 min.
    Another short presentation will tell us about hackers. Alina -3 min.
    OK. Thank you girls. Did you like the presentations? Was it interesting to learn about the roots of subcultures?

    But still, why do teens come together in groups. What are the reasons? I would like to listen to your ideas. You are welcome. Remember to use the phrases of the lesson.
    (They have common interests in music, clothes style, problems). 1-2 min.

    V. I noticed one very important word – PROBLEMS. Let us think what kind of problems here are.

    VI. You are going to listen to the text about teens and their problems. Write down all the types of problems you will hear in the text according to the classification.

    Why do teenagers come together in groups and join different subcultures?

    Well, if to speak about teens, they stand somewhere between childhood and adulthood. In other words, they are no longer kids, but not adults yet. On one hand, their body grows rapidly. So teens want to be regarded like adults, they demand freedom and independence, they protest against the parents’ control and care, they try to express their own identity and show off. That’s why teens try out all sort of options: they join different youth groups, wear shocking clothes, start smoking, drinking alcohol and even taking drugs. Some try sex at the age of 14-15. Not very clever, isn’t it?
    On the other hand, by that moment of their life teens have not reached mental maturity yet. Sexual maturity and mental immaturity lead to inner conflicts, to growth of aggressiveness, to frequent quarrels with parents and teachers, sometimes even to escaping from home. At that time the youngsters’ manners can be rude, the language – rough. Sometimes teens even can’t understand themselves – they don’t really know what makes them be so aggressive. But in fact there are several types of problems teens usually have: as I have already said, physiological problems, social, financial, psychological, and health problems too.
    Some teens have problems in communication with their mates because their clothes or appearance are not so bright. Sometimes the reason can be lack of money for fashionable clothes, sometimes parents don’t want to buy the types of clothes teens like, thinking they are unacceptable. Some parents don’t understand, that clothes are extremely important for young people, as they are their pass to the new community. If a boy or a girl has out-of -date fashion style, their mates can make a fool of him or her. It leads to social isolation, and a youngster can join some aggressive group of teens to revenge for the offence. Nobody likes to be unsuccessful.
    Another problem is lack of pocket money, and financial dependence of teens. If parents give them money, they want to know, on what the money is spent. And sometimes don’t give money at all. Some teens want to find a job, but teens are too young and it’s not easy for them to do it. So, some of teens start selling things from home or even, sell drugs.
    At the same time teachers make them obey the school rules and conform to society’s standards. Lack of respect to the youngsters’ opinions and vision of the world can result in rebellion and violence at school. As a result, many teens escape from home, from school and join groups of like-minded youngsters who can share their fashion, interests and ideas. In groups young people feel more confident and more significant.

    Students listen to the text, consult in groups of two, write down the problems they’ve heard on the blackboard. (На листах А-4 пишут разные типы проблем и вывешивают их на доску.) 5 min. Now you will get the scripts and listen to the text again and name the concrete problems of teens, use your pens if you want.
    Compare your results in groups of 4. Write the problems on the paper and stick them under the classes of problems. 5 min.

    VII. So, it’s time to make a short story about teens and their problems. Work in pairs.

    Plan of your story.
    1. What is a subculture.
    2. Types of subcultures.
    3. Typical features of one of them.
    4. Why teens come together in groups.
    5. The most common problems of teens.
    Control 1-2 st-ts.

    VIII. I would like to remember one more problem – it is a problem of unhappy love. Many teens fall in love, but soon feel disappointed and lonely, miserable and frustrated. One of the songs of Madonna is about it. “YOU’LL SEE”.( I give the students the words of the song).
    a) Listening.
    b) Phonetic exercises (all by myself, all on my own, all you’ve done, you’ve destroyed my faith in love)
    c) Reading in pairs.1-2 control.
    d) Singing.
    e) Questions: What have you done all by yourself?(Students one by one tell it).

    (I have made a report all by myself, I have done my homework all by myself, I have cooked dinner all by myself…).

    The song:
    You think that I can’t live without your love, you’ll see.
    You think that I can’t go on another day.
    You think I have nothing without you by my side.
    You’ll see somehow, some way.

    You think that I can never laugh again, you’ll see.
    You think that you’ve destroyed my faith in love.
    You think, after all you’ve done
    I’ll never find my way back home,
    You’ll see somehow, some day.

    All by myself, I don’t need anyone at all.
    I know, I’ll survive. I know, I’ll stay alive.

    All on my own, I don’t need anyone this time.
    It will be mine. No one can take it from me. …You’ll see.
    How does the girl in the song feel? Do you think she will feel OK some day? What do you think of her boy friend? Let’s look through the list of words and try to give him some characteristic. (Cruel, with a cold heart, indifferent to her love, hurt her feelings…)

    IX. No doubt, we feel the girl’s offence, and feel sorry for her. But it is good, that teens express their feelings in songs and poems instead of aggressive and violent actions. At home you learnt a poem of a teenager from Russia. Let’s refresh it in your memory. First, recite the poem in position #2. Control – 1student.

    But I think, you are able to make short poems yourself. Let’s have a try to
    make a 2-4 line poem about problems of young people.
    To help you, I can give you some beginnings. You can work in groups of 4 or 2 as you like.

    a) Sometimes I can be rough and rude, (and show aggressive attitude).
    b) I often quarrel with my mates (some teens), …….(and even can go to extremes)
    c) Because of teacher who demands ……..(Obey the rules, fulfill commands)
    d) Because of parents’ control, …..(who every day play their ROLE).
    e) I dream to have my own style, ….. (Stay free from standards Distant mile)
    f) To find somewhere like-minded friends, ….(Who really share my interests)
    g) I want to have just some respect, … (and on my own always act)
    h) Be free from everyday routine, …(I can’t stand boredom – for I’m TEEN).

    As you can see it is not so difficult to write poems. If you want to practice at home, you are welcome.

    X. AT HOME:
    1. Text book, pp.83-84, ex 3. Read some new information about hip-
    pies and bikers.
    2. The new words learn for dictation.
    (3. A 4-8 line poem.)

    Thank you very much for the lesson, it was really pleasant to work with you. See you on Wednesday. Goodbye. And be tolerant please.

    Что необходимо сделать для проведения урока:

    1. Фотографии на цветном принтере (хиппи, рейвер, байкер, рокер, скинхед, панк, хакер, гот, рэпер).
    2. Создать презентацию урока по «Готам» и «Хип-хопу».
    3. Напечатать слова для фонетической зарядки.
    4. Найти и напечатать дефиниции, может быть, сделать упражнение на вставку по смыслу.
    5. Составить и записать текст для аудирования.
    6. Нарезать цветные овалы для классификации проблем молодежи.
    7. Нарезать карточки для субкультур, которые учащиеся будут тянуть.
    8. Распечатать 6 разговорных фраз.
    9. Приготовить картинки для обкатки этих фраз.
    10. Начало для стихов.
    11. Листы с текстом для слабоуспевающих учащихся - 3шт.
    12. Приготовить музыку PRODIGY.
    13. Приготовить песню и eё текст 6 шт.
    Категория: Разработка уроков по английскому языку | Добавил: Admin (01.10.2011)
    Просмотров: 10970 | Рейтинг: 4.7/6 |
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